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    Somebody must have made a mistake when making the lineup. Who put the water boy in charge of the keeper's area?.
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    Fútbol Emotion is under constant evolution and possibly the section you're looking for is no longer linked to this web address.
    You know how annoying it is when the 'wall' just won't line up right? Well, that's more or less what just happened here.
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    We've pulled the star player off the pitch until he can recover from his injury, but he will be back in shape in no time. Come back in a little while.

The latest at @futbolemotion

Nike Tiempo Legend X \

Nike Tiempo Legend X "Emerald" 30th Anniversary

Introducing the new Nike Tiempo Legend X Emerald, a special edition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the American brand's oldest silo. Let's explore all the details.

April 14
All about the latest Puma boots

All about the latest Puma boots

The starting whistle has already been blown, so many brands are introducing their novelties for those stragglers who have not yet chosen their football boots. Puma is one of them, so in this post we are going to present the latest release from the German brand.

September 30
Nike Tiempo 10 Prototype

Nike Tiempo 10 Prototype

Nike has just presented the new Nike Tiempo Legend 10 Prototype and today we will be able to discover everything about this new generation of the US brand's touch football boots.

September 14
Moulded studs in football boots, how to choose the right one?

Moulded studs in football boots, how to choose the right one?

A lot has been said about football boots, but do you really know the ins and outs of each type of boot? Today we are going to talk about FG football boots, so hopefully you will be able to choose the right football boot after having read this post. Let’s get started!

August 31